
Stories both real and imagined.

My beloved monster by caleb carr

His Beloved Monster

My review of the book My Beloved Monster by Caleb Carr
Palm springs jump 1982 acrylic oilstick and gold paint on canvas basquiat 33 800 600 80

Jean-Michel Basquiat

Jean-Michel Basquiat was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1960 and showed signs of possessing exceptional artistic talent by the age of four.
Casting couch


“Mr. Producer,” she said, “I’ll do anything to get the part... anything!”
Howard urn

The Disrepect of the Cat for the Ashes of the Dead

FlickerPiss was housebroken. Minus the occasional “accident” all kittens are prone to now and then, FlickerPiss had no problem remembering where the kitty pan was and what it was for.
Skeleton in color reading

The Smell of My Death

This conversation was going nowhere, and I suddenly felt a twinge of fear. Had my father possibly mentioned suicide?